3 Mal Japan 2002-2004


Insgesamt 3 Mal konnten Schüler und Lehrer unserer Schule zu Erfahrungsaustauschen nach Japan reisen und gleichzeitig konnten wir 3 Mal japanische Gäste hier in Jena begrüßen.

Project 1 (First Visit in Japan) – 2002

The delegation from Germany was taken to different classes, where they could compare with their school system. Here,they are examining different projects of the electronic enineering class, including a moving robot,a completely automatic temple serving as a oracle and the impressive project of a virtual boat – trip. Visiting the machinery course, they found out, that education concerning this class has many similarities. The students in these courses used the same kind of machines for practice. Though,they were surprised by the large area of the school grounds, with Gifu Technical High School having about 1000 students and more than 6 school buildings compared to the SBSZ – Jena with more than 2500 students and only 4 school buildings. During the school – visit, the german delegation had the honor of participating in a traditional tea – ceremony, performed by the tea – ceremony – club of Gifu Technical High School. This was only one part of the important cultural exchange, that was wanted by both schools. After visiting various other classes, like life chemistry and design, as well as the presentation of SBSZ – Jena Goeschwitz, the german delegation was brought to the Lego – maze, which both schools had selected as a suitable project – task for the german and japanese project – teams. The delegation was impressed by the work they had done to create the maze, they had designed. Afterwards, they went to the gymnasium, watching different types of typical japanese sports, including table – tennis ( in which one of the group – members even competed with a japanese student ), Judo and the traditional art of Kyudo…

Project 2: Visit in Japan from 20.06-25.06.2003

Dear Gifu Technical High School,

we are a projectgroup, that has met with the goal, to build a partnership with your school.
Topics that we would be interested in, are ways of education, culture, social habits and sports of Japan. Besides that, we would be very happy about a scientific project, that we could work on together. Members of the group are four students and one teacher, who will introduce themselves later on. We would be very pleased, if you would also make a team, which has interest in Germany. Individual contacts can be made, we therefore include the emailadresses of the members in their individual HTML – documents, so that the teams can get to know each other. We propose, that we build up an ongoing email – „traffic“ until this summer, so we will know something about each other, before we start a project together. With regards
Projectgroup Jena

Project 3: Visit in Japan from 19.04-26.04.2004

Dear Gifu Technical High School,
we are a projectgroup, that has met with the goal, to build a partnership with your school. Topics that we would be interested in, are ways of education, culture, social habits and sports of Japan. Besides that, we would be very happy about a scientific project, that we could work on together. Members of the group are four students and two teachers, who will introduce themselves later on. With regards
Projectgroup Jena

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