Mallory Clarke – Fremdsprachassistentin 2011-2012

clarkeHello! My name is Mallory Clarke, and I’m from the port city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, which lies on the very east coast of Canada. I’ll be the new language assistant for the year, and am very much looking forward to it. I’m excited to be back in Thuringia after living in Weimar nearly two years ago for only a month, but the area is beautiful, and the trees are very comforting after living amongst only concrete for nearly four months. I look forward to learning more about the colloquialisms and quirks, and hopefully introducing everyone to a few Canadian eccentricities. I studied German Literature at Dalhousie University in Canada, but most recently moved here from Vienna. I enjoy reading, drawing, swimming and canoeing, and am always up for coffee and a chat, or going for a wander. I’m really looking forward to seeing lots of new faces and meeting everyone, and encourage you to stop me in the hall if you have questions, need help, or even just to say hello. I can be found in room 3204 alongside Frau Mucke and Frau Hoffmann.

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