Adam – Fremdsprachassistent 2012-2013

adamHi, my name is Adam, I’m 20 years old and I come from a small village near Birmingham in England. I am currently studying French and German at Warwick University, which is not far from where I live. This year I will be living in a WG not far from Jena-Göschwitz. I am very sporty and also musical. I play football regularly in England, and am also hoping to join a football team here in Jena. It is my aim to see lots of football matches here in Germany (so if you have any recommendations, let me know which teams are the best!). I also play squash and go running. I play violin and piano, but it’s been a couple of years since I played regularly!
Although I have only spent a week in Thuringia so far, I am sure this year will be a year to remember. Jena is a beautiful city and everyone has been very kind to me, including Frau Mucke, who has really helped me settle in here. I am really looking forward to meeting as many teachers and students as possible, not only in classes, but also in and around the school. I can be found in room 3204 with Frau Mucke, so please come and say hello! All in all, I am really looking forward to working as a language assistant in SBSZ. I am sure that my year in Jena will be an enjoyable, rewarding and interesting one. See you in school!

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