Fremdsprachenassistent 2019-2020 – 2019.10.22

Hi, – I’m Ewan, the new foreign language assistant, I’ll be working here until the end of May. I come from near Edinburgh and I have just finished my Masters in Mediaeval History at the University of St. Andrews. Although my historical interests centred on the Byzantine Empire I do have many ties to Germany. During my undergraduate degree I studied Bismarck for a year and I greatly enjoy German literature such as Grass’s The Tin Drum and Fallada’s Alone in Berlin. Most importantly though, my girlfriend is German (and a Thüringer), though sadly she is currently in Scotland…

My main passion is history, but I’m also a keen on football, cycling, badminton and boardgames. Currently I am working in several classes here at SBSZ Jena, so some of you should hopefully know me already. However if you want to come by to meet up or wish to organise a time to practice your English you can find me in room 01.01-02 or you can email me at I also run an English class for teachers from 1.30-2.15 in room 01.00_16 on Wednesdays. Finally, I am supposed to run an additional activity and since sport and other extra-curricular clubs do not appear to be a thing at SBSZ I am considering running an English conversation hour. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if this would interest you and what times would suit.

Ewan Stewart


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